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Thursday 27 September 2012


BOY, AIN't it A Self PORTRAIT fest this SEASON??

Before I dive into what this post is all about, I just want to say that this project was done solely for 
2-Dimensional Design Class! But, of course, both CONTEXTUAL STUDIES & 2-D DESIGN, is under the one and only lecturer, Mr.CHARLES! =D 

Anyway, without further a due, this is another version of my self-portrait (done in class). This time we were required to create it by using ONLY organic/natural materials/trash. This is one of my faves, because Hand-Crafting is my specialty and I just love using mother nature for my art! This project appealed to me in the sense that I love collecting knick-knacks ranging from all sorts of odd stuff to dirty old trash, or tiny trinkets! The appeal of this entire projects lies on the fact that we have the freedom of creativity to portray ourselves to the fullest, in any manner we desire, at the same time without changing too much of who we are. 



VOILA! This is my natural self-portrait. Perhaps to some people this is just something ORDINARY & SIMPLE, and perhaps they may be others who think they can make it better but, what I'm trying to focus here is NOT JUST the outcome, but rather I want people to appreciate the fact that the materials used to create this aren't just 'ordinary'. I would like YOU to take a closer look and figure out what kind of materials are used for this project...because not only factory manufactured accessories like buttons & ribbons can create art! 

To some, this may look childish but, try looking at it from a different perspective...If you haven't figured out what is on this portrait, then let me share some with you. =D 
This portrait is based upon 'SURREALISM'. As you can see part of my face portrays a section of my skull (jaw area) and the leaves/plants suggests that I am in a land abundant with mother nature herself. 
I had decided to use 'ALPHABET' pasta to create part of my hair, because who says 'Words Can't Describe Things?'.  Also, I've used red petals to create my lips, which are veiled by the leaves. Pure coffee beans were also used to create my teeth, that connects to twigs (indicating that its my jaw bone). 
Tea leaves were also used to create my pupils while the eyeball itself is made up of rice grains. All these materials were not bought, but rather can be found in the environment & the spaces in your homes that you probably may have forgotten about, even rubbish! 
Right now, it still has a fresh look but, the beauty of using organic materials is that when the leaves wither away, it will create a entirely new look for my self-portrait! So, if you're the type who gets bored looking at the same thing for too long....try this method for change!'s absolutely FREE! =)
PS: Will update you guys a few days after the new look arrives! And also, I had wanted to take snapshots of the process but I forgot my camera! So sorry! =D 

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