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Saturday 29 September 2012

003 Knowing your comedy COMEDY (コメディ)

                                                   " HA!HA! HA! "
     Everyone on this planet enjoys having a good laugh and there's not a single soul who doesn't crack up at the whim of a joke. This week's special highlight in CT studies is none other than getting to know your COMEDY...
    Everytime we watch a comedy show, we end up laughing until tears  fill up our eyes, but have we ever taken the time to ask ourselves, "What exactly is it about the show that's making me laugh? Is it the way the comedy is portrayed? Is it because the one putting on the show has a funny appearance? Or is it the idea of the comedy?”
Just to jock your memory, remember CHARLIE CHAPLIN? Well, he's quite the comedian back in his days you know...
       Well, that’s what we’re gonna find out in this new entry!! First stop, let us get aboard the train to COMEDY CENTRAL...
Whenever I watch comedy shows, I've never known what comedic genres they belonged to and if you’re the same as I, then our lives will be changed forever. =D
 Some of the more famous comedic genres are like:

Blue  Comedy a.k.a. comedy based on sexism, racism & homophobic jokes. I agree that blue comedy can be very entertaining in the sense that it appeals to our negative side and of course, we would laugh at jokes that literally insults the opposite gender/homos and races. One of the most famous blue comedy actor is none other than the man voicing this animal...
Eddie Murphy's famous filmography included THE NUTTY PROFESSOR & DR.DOLITTLE. Here’s a sample of what blue comedy sounds like! =D 
The disadvantage of blue comedy is the fact that it doesn’t bode well with viewers who have experienced the same insults as the show. In other words, it can hurt a person’s feelings or maybe bring back unwanted memories. There are some other blue comedy actors who I’m not familiar myself such as : Jim Davidson, Frankie Boyle & George Lopez.  

Stand Up Comedy a.k.a as comedic style where the comedian performs live in front of his audience. North American stand up comedy are based on popular stereotypes. Of course, the famous king of stand up comedy is none other than Russell Peters
Russell Peters 
Shane & David

..besides him, there are also some like the Australian duos, ‘The Umbilical Brothers’ (Shane & David Collins) & Kumar Drag Queen.
Kumar Drag Queen
Stand Up Comedy can deliver great pressure towards the comedian because the audience expects them to provide a continuous flow of non-stop entertainment that would send them laughing until their stomach muscles hurt. Aren’t you like that as well? Well, here are some of the links to check these awesome comedians! 
Click here for Russell Peters Clip :

Click here for The Umbilical Brothers Clip : 

Click Here For KUMAR DRAG QUEEN video : 

Stand up comedies are interesting but sometimes the sensitive issues they raise may just cause certain viewers to take them in a different/bad light, especially those who are easily offended by the lewd jokes. Although I’m certain that the comedians themselves are aware of this because everything comes with a risk right?

CharacterComedy a.k.a  stereotype comedy. From what I understand, its humour is derived from a specific persona created by the performer, in other words  their characteristics are non-existent in reality. Character comedy has made many actors famous , for example:

The very famous, there is the one and only MR.BEAN @ Rowan Atkinson, whom I have admired & love since childhood. I can honestly vouch that he makes my day with his hilarious comedic actions everytime I watch his shows, either the movie or the cartoon series whenever I get back from classes during my primary days. In fact, I have an entire collection of Mr.Bean at home! =) Of course we also know he’s the rather clumsy agent English in Johnny English. A rather influential man he is, although comparing to Carrey, he may not be loved by the entire world. Unfortunately, my own grandmother is an anti-Bean...It's too bad he's getting a bit too old to film more 'Bean films' for I would love to watch more after 'Mr.Bean's Holiday'. But, his shows are suitable for family viewing =D
Click here for a preview : 


Physical Comedy a.k.a Slapstick Comedy/Clowning. This genre incorporates silly facial expressions/actions ex: falling on the butt or walking into walls that mimics that of a clown & also word puns. Sitcoms would use this as a comic relief for intimate scenes. I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘THE THREE STOOGES’ & ‘THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW’? Well, these are examples of slapstick comedy series. Actors who are famous for slapstick comedy are those like...this dude here...

After landing a comeback role in the sketch comedy “In Living Color”, Jim Carrey caught the eye of the public. Later he participated in bigger movies like “Ace ventura : Pet detective” & “The Grinch”, which happens to be my all time fave! His facial contortions & peculiar attitude really allows you to have a good laugh! He has also starred in movies ‘The Mask’ & ‘Dumb & Dumber’. Although he’s a great actor, there are a handful of people I know who aren’t his my sister =D But honestly, if someone who just met acts like Carrey...woudn't you be FREAKED OUT as well as some point? For example...him sticking his tongue out regularly when he talks?? 

Click the video below for a preview of Living In Color:

20th Mid-Century (ORIGINAL SERIES)

THE THREE STOOGES is also a highly entertaining slapstick comedy series that is apparently very much loved by our lecturer, Mr.Charles and so I'm putting that on my must watch list! (I've always had a love for black & white flicks, doesn't matter the content) Besides the original series, there is  also the 2012 movie adaptation!! If you are unsure which is better, here's a way to compare...check out these clips...( for the 2012 adaption, below for the original black & white series)


Sitcom a.k.a as a situation comedy television program that we all love and mostly its recorded in front of a studio audience, that’s when you always hear laughter in the background...In my opinion, sitcoms are dominating the airwaves lately and most of them are very addictive. In fact, Sitcoms are the ones I watch most! Besides, comparing to other types of comedy, sitcoms have an on-going storyline that focuses on love, family, work & relationships. Here’s a list of my favourite sitcoms dating back to:

1960s : I DREAM OF JEANNIE (*****) , THE ADDAMS FAMILY (****), THE JETSONS (animated) (*****)
1980s : THE SIMPSONS (animated)
1990s : THE NANNY (*****)

Although sitcoms are funny at moments, but it can get a big draggy and in the end bore me I always take a rest from a sitcom I'm watching and later, who knows when I'll continue with the rest of the season...However, I do recommend THE NANNY (Season 1-3 is more interesting as the chemistry between Fran & Maxwell is much more hotter and the humour is a 100 times better than the later seasons). 

Do watch I DREAM OF JEANNIE for a good laugh and also the chemistry between Jeannie & Master is subtle but entertaining none the less. The first season is in black & white but the later ones are finally developed in color. Although the series can get dull after awhile, because the plots are almost similar where Jeannie causes trouble for her master but, it's a good show for passing the time, especially during late nights. 

So far, I've only been showing you WESTERN COMEDY CULTURE, so let's get off the train and get onto the Chinese Tricycle for we're going to ASIA CENTRAL....

Some of the Chinese Comedy are such as:

These comic characters have been growing up with most of us as kids and we're all familiar with 'Lao Fu Zi' himself and 'Big Potato', 'Miss Chin', 'Mr. Chiu' & 'Miss Chan'. The setting is in the the past time period in China. Although I've never personally read it because I can't read Mandarin but, from what I've heard from my mom, it's a funny comic. And no doubt some of us have watched the Hong Kong adaptation of it 'Old Master Q' , starring Cecelia Chun & Nicholas Sze. I would love to give my opinion about this comic but apart from its humour, I can't say much as I've never read it. 

Click here for Mr.Q video : 

Next, I would say that Jackie Chan is also quite the comedian in his own way by using his action stunts. He's also become famous in Hollywood for his stunts and some of his famous filmography includes : Police Story (1985), Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights (2003), Rush Hour 2 (2001), & The Medallion (2003). Although his stunts & comedic expressions are what makes him famous, it's safe to say that his acting isn't A-class. In fact, his face is rather stoic & he sounds monotonous. 

Click Here For Jackie Chan video : (The Fearless Hyena)

Here's One More Video In Tribute of the Man! : (Rush Hour)

Apparently, there’s plenty more comedy where that come from, either western or Asian culture. However, that’s all from me for now! I hope this summarized post of the comedy around you has helped you to realize the many different types of comedy, and like me, perhaps we have learnt how to identify them too! Also, maybe you’ve realized that comedies’ presented to you have their GOOD & BAD sides. I hoped that you have enjoyed all those videos as well, because  I had fun trying to find the perfect video for your entertainment, but maybe some were not up to your expectations because we all have different preferences...
So TA-TA for now! I have to prepare for MY own comedy show that I have to present this Friday. Wish me luck! & also, look forward to the next post about 2-D design!! =D Thanks for keeping up with me! 
*Disclaimer : All videos belong to & all images were from Google Image. I do not own any of them. 


Thursday 27 September 2012


BOY, AIN't it A Self PORTRAIT fest this SEASON??

Before I dive into what this post is all about, I just want to say that this project was done solely for 
2-Dimensional Design Class! But, of course, both CONTEXTUAL STUDIES & 2-D DESIGN, is under the one and only lecturer, Mr.CHARLES! =D 

Anyway, without further a due, this is another version of my self-portrait (done in class). This time we were required to create it by using ONLY organic/natural materials/trash. This is one of my faves, because Hand-Crafting is my specialty and I just love using mother nature for my art! This project appealed to me in the sense that I love collecting knick-knacks ranging from all sorts of odd stuff to dirty old trash, or tiny trinkets! The appeal of this entire projects lies on the fact that we have the freedom of creativity to portray ourselves to the fullest, in any manner we desire, at the same time without changing too much of who we are. 



VOILA! This is my natural self-portrait. Perhaps to some people this is just something ORDINARY & SIMPLE, and perhaps they may be others who think they can make it better but, what I'm trying to focus here is NOT JUST the outcome, but rather I want people to appreciate the fact that the materials used to create this aren't just 'ordinary'. I would like YOU to take a closer look and figure out what kind of materials are used for this project...because not only factory manufactured accessories like buttons & ribbons can create art! 

To some, this may look childish but, try looking at it from a different perspective...If you haven't figured out what is on this portrait, then let me share some with you. =D 
This portrait is based upon 'SURREALISM'. As you can see part of my face portrays a section of my skull (jaw area) and the leaves/plants suggests that I am in a land abundant with mother nature herself. 
I had decided to use 'ALPHABET' pasta to create part of my hair, because who says 'Words Can't Describe Things?'.  Also, I've used red petals to create my lips, which are veiled by the leaves. Pure coffee beans were also used to create my teeth, that connects to twigs (indicating that its my jaw bone). 
Tea leaves were also used to create my pupils while the eyeball itself is made up of rice grains. All these materials were not bought, but rather can be found in the environment & the spaces in your homes that you probably may have forgotten about, even rubbish! 
Right now, it still has a fresh look but, the beauty of using organic materials is that when the leaves wither away, it will create a entirely new look for my self-portrait! So, if you're the type who gets bored looking at the same thing for too long....try this method for change!'s absolutely FREE! =)
PS: Will update you guys a few days after the new look arrives! And also, I had wanted to take snapshots of the process but I forgot my camera! So sorry! =D 

Friday 21 September 2012


自画像 (Self-Portrait)

"Before, I've never actually known the meaning of 'SELF-PORTRAIT' although I've heard about it aplenty, however, this assignment has no doubt given a new meaning to the way I see what a 'Self Portrait' of myself is supposed to be like...or anyone else's for that matter..."
To start off, through my research, a SELF-PORTRAIT is in short,representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist himself.  It's no surprise that we are familiar with self-portrait painters such as:
Vincent Van Gogh (1889) 

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1661) 

However, in my opinion, these self-portraits are rather ordinary, although they are still beautiful. Halfway through my research, I've discovered some interesting and unique self-portraits that experiments with different techniques/elements such as :
(by painters)
LUCAS SAMARAS (1973) [using polaroid],_Polaroid_SX-70_print_by_Lucas_Samaras,_1973,_Getty_Museum.jpg



Getting my inspiration from painters PICASSO, BACON, ROSSINE &CHAGALL, whose artwork contains similar characteristics,I have decided to create my own SELF-PORTRAIT using the 'Collage' method (classic art), because the self-portraits of the said painters are depicted in an such an abstract (organic & inorganic) way, comparing to the ones done by Rembrant/Van Gogh. Through their artwork, they have shown an understanding of themselves from a refreshing perspective, in other words, they dare to explore new ideas! 
What I'm trying to say is that I want to create a self-portrait containing qualities that represents my identity, of course in my own unique way. I think that it's also simple yet pleasant to the eyes. =)
SO, here is my final outcome!=D


I ended up creating this self-portrait by combining physical traits of my families' faces with my own. Fact is, without my parents, I wouldn't exist and my phenotype is the result of their union, right? So, as you can see, the left eye is made up of my mother's. And the right eyebrow is made up of my sister's (which we both have in common : thick eyebrows). And the nose that you see belongs to my dad, because I realized that I inherited it from him. Then, the facial area (mouth) from the cheek to the chin, belongs to my sister as well. Even after using certain facial parts that aren't originally mine, I have succeeded in creating a self-portrait that looks quite like myself and yet without altering too much of WHAT I THINK I AM/identity. Furthermore, I have used the collage style which can be considered a 'classic art' as it has been used for a long time and I had added an AZTEC pattern for the background to represent what I like. =D