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Friday 19 October 2012

Gestalt In A New Light (Group Project)

A Man Who Doesn't Know What Gestalt Is/Are, Is A Failure As A Designer...

Founded by the Germans, (Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka.) Gestalt Principles a.k.a "Law of Simplicity" helps the human eye to perceive complex visual which consists of many groups of elements in the background as a whole. The word Gestalt itself means 'shape' or 'form' in German. It's psychological term means 'unified whole'.

For this latest project, my group members and I were required to portray our understanding of Gestalt Principles in a video format. But, before we show you the video, let us give you a hindsight about what we've learnt and incorporated into our video...

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The main principle that is easy to understand is none other than FIGURE & GROUND.  Interesting as it is, the human eye naturally perceives the silhouette or form as figure, while ground is the area surrounding it. To make things easier, here's what it means: 

Look at the picture above. Can you tell which is the figure/ground? Well, the two ladies & the grass is the figure while the blue sky behind is the ground.

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These posters applies the Figure/Ground concept as well. As you can see, this principle is widely used in a majority of designs and it's almost commonplace but, at the same time it will never be boring to look at. Next time, look around you and you will find that this principle is applied in your everyday life. EX : posters, signs, book covers, parking areas etc...

Next Stop, CLOSURE. This principle is particularly interesting too because it reveals how our mind perceives images that are incomplete. At the same time, just by seeing a section/part of the image and your mind is able to complete it. This is what I mean.

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Even without seeing the full-picture, you know what it is right? It's a dog, or rather a puppy. That's what it means by Closure. Your mind is completing the image for you because it's something that you have encountered before.


Now this image below, combine both Figure & Ground and Closure Principle. 

The White 'MSSNG' Word is the Figure while the Dark Turquoise Background is the Ground. On the other hand, 'MSSNG' itself is using Closure Principle. Why? Because your mind automatically interprets it as 'Missing', with the I's intact, when obviously it isn't. 

Then, we have Proximity. This principle happens when several (similar) elements are placed close together and at one glance, your eyes perceive it as a group. 

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Realize how the artist has used proximity to create the form of a woman by using  the shapes of birds? They are placed close together but not exactly touching in other to create that sense of proximity. 

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This painting also has a sense of proximity by using only dots of paint to create the image you see. 

Another Gestalt Principle is...Similarity. Well, what can we say about this? It's just as it means with the elements being repeated in the same fashion that people perceive them as a group/pattern.

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See the Similarity? 

This Similarity Principle Would Be Easier To Understand. You can see the repetition of circles and squares easily...

Here's an example: 

Notice how there is a similarity of the shapes? And how they have elements that you can perceive as a group? Well, this is a perfect combination of similarity and proximity to create continuity. Basically, continuity exists when your eye is forced to move through one object to another, as if there is a force pulling it to move/go wherever it takes the eye...

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Can you guess where' s the continuity in this poster above? 

To summarize it all, this is just a recap of what we have learnt for Gestalt and it's safe to say that all designs would have at least a  Gestalt Principle applied into it, especially for mass media advertisements, such as cinematography posters and book covers. Even illustrations and certain drawings/paintings acquire this principle and other design principles as well. 

To Know Additional Info About Cool Graphic Designers and etc, check out this tumblr page. I think that what this author talks about is really amazing, in the sense that she researches about graphic designers that have designed many famous & interesting things that I have not known until after reading her posts.


Tuesday 9 October 2012

005 Principles of 2-D Design


For this latest assignment, we have revisited the few Principles of Design that are essential for us (designers-in-training) to apply and adhere to whenever we create/design something. From my knowledge, there are plenty of design principles that are important. For example, Balance, Unity, Dominance, Variety, Repetition, Static & Dynamic and that’s exactly what I have experimented for this assignment. So, let me take you down my memory lane to help you understand better the certain Principles of Design. =) PS: This assignment was done based upon 'KIRIGAMI/Paper Cutting" Technique & only made out using Squares. 

First off, let's start with what I understand about BALANCE 

Take a look at this cube block and imagine there are two of the same kind. 
Now, balance works like this. If you take this 2 cubes and place them side by side, you can tell that they are identical in weight, size & sometimes color value. That's part of what it means to be balanced, because they have 'EQUAL' qualities on either side.  Even if you were to put these 2 cubes far apart from each other, it's STILL balanced because like I've mentioned, they are EQUALS in characteristics. Some would call 'balance' a concept of visual equilibrium. For this principle, there are 2 kinds of balance, that is SYMMETRICAL & ASYMMETRICAL. Here's an example of what a symmetrical 2-D design looks like...

Symmetrical Balance is a mirror-image, where if you draw a line down the page, you can see that half the page's objects are mirrored onto the other half. Did you know that our faces are symmetrical as well? Don't believe it? Then take a look at your own reflection. Even butterflies are symmetrical. 
So, here's my version of  SYMMETRICAL BALANCE. 

Next, let's take a look at ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE. 

Although it looks simple, asymmetrical balance is harder to create compared to symmetrical balance, because one has to carefully plan and weigh the layout. It's also known as 'Informal Balance'. It's when the objects of half a page is heavier than the other, whether in terms of weight, value or size. Or it's just DISTORTED compared to the original look. Here are 2 examples :

Realize how one side of the picture is heavier?

And now, here's my understanding of Asymmetrical Balance. 

Moving On, let's get on to know Unity & Variety.

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What can I say about Unity & Variety? Well, to separately define these 2 principles, Unity is the result of a composition that has achieved all the principles of design such as balance, emphasis, dominance, scale etc. Unity makes your composition complete and nice to look at. On the other hand, Variety gives a sense of non-boredom to the viewer and it's a complement to Unity. Variety can be achieved by using different shapes, color, lines, texture etc. Once Unity & Variety are combined, it can produce an interesting outcome. Here are a few examples : 
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Now, here's mine. 

Now, let's move on to the next principle : Rhythm & Repetition.

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Rhythm & Repetition, these words we often hear but, do we even understand how powerful the repeated patterns are? To me, each repeated pattern defines a certain meaning. Rhythm & Repetition creates a sense of illusion and of course movement. Different way of arranging these shapes can create different patterns, movements and evokes various emotions from the viewer. Curvy edges provide an organic movement whilst sharp edges creates an inorganic movement. Here are some examples as usual :
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Now, Here Are my Versions :

For this one, I created it to look like some kind of explosion, which portrays the movement going in all directions. These repeated lines were cut out from 3 squares of 10x10cm. 

This one was created based upon a basic rhythmic movement, like the blades of an operating fan. Although I have two kinds of line patterns, but repeatedly they form a certain flow. 

The Next Principle involves...Scale & Proportion.

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Scale & Proportion are important principles in design. If a composition has no scale & proportion, then it is useless & meaningless. An object with a larger scale gives visual weight more than a smaller object. Distance plays a big role in scale & proportion because if you have 2 cube blocks and you place one horizontally further away from one another, the cube closest to your eye level is bigger compared to the one in the background. Here are examples that implements this principle: 

And this is from me :

Then, there is also DOMINANCE. Among all the principles, I think that this is the easiest principle to understand. Dominance happens when an object stands out the most comparing to the others on the same page, based on the size, pattern or color. Here are some simple examples:

The first thing that will catch the viewer's eyes is the BIG MAN IN THE RED SUIT, compared to the other red man and words. The Color RED is the dominant subject, followed by the man himself. 

Can you guess which is the DOMINANT one? 

And This Is My Version : 

I had this done by comparing the various sizes, so the biggest Square is the Dominant one. Also, if you compare the patterns I used, then the Big Square solely has its own pattern than the other maze-like patterns, to portray its dominance in the composition. 

Another few Principles are STATIC & DYNAMIC.  The word static can be replaced by the word 'rigid' or stationary. When the viewer's eyes come upon a static composition, it's usually arranged in a straightforward style, in either horizontal or vertical manner only. It can be boring if compared to Dynamic Principle because it has no sense of movement. On the other hand, it makes a person feel calm and at peace. In comparison, Dynamic movement can be replaced by the word 'Energetic'. A Dynamic composition is often portrayed in diagonal manners, the complete opposite of being in a straight line (horizontal or vertical). It is more interesting and it can create a sense of movement & tension. Compare them and you'll see their weaknesses but, if you combine them, these 2 principles are indestructible and powerful is you know how to manipulate them. 
Examples :




And These Are My Individual Versions :



For this paper-cutting Dynamic composition, I had it tested on my grandmother who has no idea whatsoever about principles of design. So, I asked her if she could see any sense of movement for the above picture and she said "Yes, I see it moving (she points out with her finger, following the flow of the patterns)." Also, i realized that if one doesn't understand Static & Dynamic Principles, then it can be tricky to manipulate them because you can't make us of something you barely understand. 

Right now, I'm currently still undergoing training to familiarize myself with these principles. To me these principles have a wide range of usage if it is understood well. I'm uncertain if the versions I have fully portray my understanding but, I have gone for the more basic display of understanding these principles before I involve myself deeper into its meanings. For example, utilizing all the design principles in my composition. No doubt, it would be a wonderful masterpiece but I'm still trying to take them in like how I breathe air. So, thanks for reading this post! =D Hope I haven't disappointed you. 



When someone asks you what ‘STEAMPUNK’ is, can you really describe it well? And what's the first visual experience that comes to mind? Well, in my case, I’ve always been watching Steampunk related films but I only had a rough clue about what it really was. To summarize it, this is what was in my head.
 Victorian Era + Fantasy + Machinery 
= STEAMPUNK              

Well, before we get on to my part of the project, here's a video about steampunk: 

Was that not enought? Then click on this interview:

Moving on to more serious matters, after researching a little about steampunk, I can vouch that it's a very interesting hybridization of machinery in the Victorian or sometimes even fantasy setting. But, when you mix them all together, it would turn out into a harmonious masterpiece. Also, steampunk machinery is powered non-other than by steam & charcoal. In order to create my own steampunk landscape, I've done a bit of digging and here's what I found... (ENJOY!)

As you can see, almost every picture here has machinery elements, right? Well, so far all I've been showing you are examples of Western Influenced Steampunk. Now, I'm gonna show you some animated steampunk that originates from my favourite artist residing in Japan who has been sought out to produce animated films. And he has been in this industry for half a century. He is a reknowned artist/co-founder of Studio Ghibli. The reason I enjoy his art is because he is quite famous and creative for his machinery drawings. They can be so complex that it's more than admirable, and I bet he has done plenty of research about it too. From what I've read, he's been fascinated with machinery itself ever since he was a boy. Apparently he pursued his interest and until today, he still doesn't let me down. This is the man I'm talking about is...


Now, let me show you proof of his amazing artwork that has been animated into equally amazing films! 

- A romantic story set in the fantasy (costume) world that plays along the line of sorcery & myths. What captures the imagination is the moving castle below that looks like a mixture of a ship & inventory from the middle ages.

B) Laputa: Castle In The Sky (天空の城ラピュタ)
- A sweet romantic story a fantasy/old age land (settings & costume) where a young boy & a girl who fell from the sky are on a journey to search for the legendary 'Castle In The Sky' which is rather awe and mysterious. It also features air-ships from the olden days, powered by steam. There are also interesting looking robots inhabiting the castle. 


- an absolute fantasy story about 1000 years after the apocalyptic war, where humans are scarce. This film touches on made-up characters who uses air-ships similar to a bird's wings, and the monsters depicted are quite machinery. 

D) Steamboy Movie (スチームボーイ)
- a hardcore Japanese steampunk animated film by Katsuhiro Otomo (producer of Akira) which is set in the year 1863 (19th century Europe), England. 


So far, that's the most of what I can find and it's more than enough for you & I to understand what Steampunk is really about. 

What Do I Understand About Steampunk?
Well, this is just my opinion. I think that Steampunk is actually a very influential art that you can find especially in computer games, fashion & animated films these days. I'm glad that people appreciate this kind of art as it's not easy to just create something so complex and amazing out of the blue. For me, Steampunk is in a class of its own as it combines many different elements to produce an entirely whole new dimension. Personally, I believe that 'Fantasy', 'Victorian Age Culture' & 'Machinery' are individually unique and beautiful when set apart, as they let you feel differently when you look at it alone. However, when solidified, these elements show you how creative the artist can be and how complicated his thoughts are. (From what I've learnt throughout my life, complex art is something that most people would appreciate because they understand the time & effort the artist spends on it.)

To conclude this blog post, I will update you guys on my very own STEAMPUNK LANDSCAPE as soon as possible! As I've mentioned, it takes time to create a masterpiece =D 
So, here's a lil' steampunk treat for reading my blog =)!!